How it works

To start, you'll create a Carbon account and complete a COVID-19 assessment. Carbon Health is a medical care provider, and the account you create will be used to secure your medical information and communicate with their clinical staff around your care.


The COVID-19 assessment is a series of questions based on guidance from CDC, WHO and other public health authorities, as well as Carbon Health's experience testing and evaluating thousands of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. This assessment creates a baseline of all enrolled staff, including:

  • Whether you've been exposed
  • How likely you are to be exposed based on your daily activities
  • Risk of serious illness if you're infected
  • Who else (such as family) you might put at serious risk if you're infected.

Based on your assessment, Carbon Health will recommend a course of action. Carbon Health's recommendations might include you getting tested because of your risk or symptoms, seeing a telehealth clinician, or doing nothing.


Employees who need to be tested, based on their answers to the assessment, will be able to book a testing appointment with their Carbon Health account. Carbon Health will list ample testing options within the app.

daily checklist

If your company participates in the Daily Symptom Tracker, you will receive a daily notification every day to check your symptoms.

employee privacy

Your symptoms and health history will NOT be shared with your employer. Your test results will be shared with your employer.

About Carbon health
Carbon Health
Carbon Health is a technology enabled healthcare provider that combines smart technology with inviting clinics and a robust virtual offering. Carbon specializes in primary care, mental health, and has been working tirelessly to make COVID-19 testing available to all.